Tuesday, October 12, 2004

IDT Milking the last bit of Publicity

Not more than 24 hours from my last blog entry, IDT starts milking the last bit of publicity they can get out of the late Christopher Reeves.

Press release after press release begin filtering through the wires as IDT realizes that their free publicity may be coming to an end. Get your press now. While Mr. Reeve death is still fresh in everyone's memory.


Anonymous said...

Hello, Staloren,

I am a longtime animation industry vet like you. At present I'm going through The Change and starting to enjoy it. I always thought most CGI looked so crappy because of the limitatinos of the programs...my bad! It looks crappy when people who can't draw or design characters meet up with unimaginative producers! Who'd a thought that modelling could be so much fun?

I'm curious about the Reeve-IDT thing. For the record another industry pro directed me to your blog and he's been telling me horror stories about this company. I had a glancing experience with them myself and am amazed that such an inept firm can stay in business. But then, they have deep pockets. There is the usual clueless and tasteless producer who thinks he is a 'creative' I mean...a talking baseball?

I'd like to see your comments about producers becoming creatives. It's my opinion that CGI is as popular as it is since producers can be even more controlling and anal about design--the character will always look "realistic" and appear the same (a real boon to someone who doesn't understand distortion and animation).

Good luck to you, and I'll refer a few other pros to your blog.



Anonymous said...

I had some direct experience with IDT on a cgi TV series I worked on and they were, without doubt, the most inept bunch I've ever encountered in more than 25 years in the animation business. The work they supplied was not at the level of good student work. In addition to that, they were contracted to light 26 half hours and failed to light a single one. That failure occurred after considerable time and money were spent converting our files into the only software format they felt comfortable with. Even spoon feeding them was not enough to get them to produce.

I have been watching as the IDT balloon endlessly expands and am looking forward to the day when it finally pops. Sooner or later a bean counter will write a memo pointing out a negative return on investment from their animation holdings and they'll pull the plug. Unfortunately, when that happens, several studios will be put out of business.

While we all have to eat, I'd caution anyone against working with IDT.