Thursday, June 11, 2009

Back again...

Sorry for the extended absence. I've been busy with something I haven't done in what seems like ages. Picked up a pencil and started animating. At first, it felt extremely foreign to me. However, after a week of trying to get back into the groove, it started getting familiar. I still have a ways to go before I finish up, and I'm in no hurry. This is a nice change of pace.

Come back soon, hopefully I'll find some time to write more about all the stuff going on in the animation world.


rafianimates said...

Nice one. Enjoy getting your groove back. Ain't noyhin like it :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Staloren,

I always look forward to read your new post on this blog and glad to hear you will be back soon.

Just found the news about the movie you mentioned several times in this blog. You might have already heard, but "Ollie The Otter"'s promo was shown in Cannes. Do you think that was a miracle?

Staloren said...

Anonymous, no I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll have to read the article.