Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Disney Loves Motion Capture

Disney decided to get Robert Zemeckis and his love for motion capture over to the mouse. Now, Imagemovers (Zemeckis' company) will be under the Disney banner and ultimately be John Lasseters responsibility.

I can't help but wonder what Lasseter thinks of Imagemovers and motion capture in general. I'm sure his official line is "it is the story that is important". But, deep down... Does he have a hatred for motion capture that some of us do? I want to think so. If he is into that whole motion capture thing, I can only think less of him.


R Fischer said...

Motion capture is the next in a long line of attempts to give the Director a friendly "user interface" for directing character animation, one that animators have not been able to provide by themselves.

Consider Fleischer's roto work through Bakshi's LoTR (bleah, but he tried).

If mocap continues to be used in the industry let's hope everyone grows a little bit along the way.

Deke Kincaid said...

Disney is just financing his movies, not doing the actual animation. Just like Dreamworks did with his last few movies(DW animation didn't do anything on Monster House or Polar Express). Sony Imageworks will probably still be hired to do all the animation/vfx for his movies like they have been doing for the last 15 years..

Staloren said...

I didn't mean to imply that Disney would be doing the work on the Imagemovers films. I rushed through that post and failed to be very clear.

Anonymous said...

If anybody's still out there...Disney is setting up ImageMovers Digital, (IMD) in northern ca. They're hiring around 275 people to do all of the "animation", etc; on all of the Zemeckis MoCap films. They hope to start feeding the pipeline ASAP. It's actually a huge undertaking by Disney, nothing like the Sony/DreamWorks deal.